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0 B9 v; x7 `: R5 Q3 D9 {2 {8 Z+ q+ v0 r
+ s) r+ U1 F9 F0 u3 _8 j* tThe Cure简介
; K! R8 Q8 Q x; W% FThe Cure是一支英国乐队,其灵魂人物是Robert Smith。 20年的风雨,The Cure不断经历着走马灯似的人事变动,唯一屹立不倒的是乐队的灵魂人物Robert Smith。1959年4月21日,他出生于的英国Blackpool,但还在他幼年时全家就搬到了Crawley。6岁时,他从他的哥哥Richard处开始学习吉他和弦,十四岁时与同学Lol Tolhurst、Michael Dempesy一起组成了名为Easy Cure的乐队,他们的第一盒样带,包括一首有点模仿Albert Camus的“The Outsider”的名为“Killing An Arab”的歌曲,到了Polydor唱片公司的Chris Parry的手中。被这首歌深深打动的 Parry,在1978年12月通过独立唱片公司Small Wonder为The Cure出版了一张限量发行的单曲唱片。而当时离开Polydor,组建了Fiction Records时,也同时把The Cure带到了新公司,直到现在。
3 [1 w/ g* e; d5 H/ J4 t) z$ o9 i0 Z; O
乐队介绍) o2 O) g+ T6 n) c2 ^; M
SMITH,一个来自CRAWLEY的男孩。如今已卖出了两千四百万张唱片,而且是一个只需要在MTV上剪短头发,就能让许多人感到痛苦的男人。他把他个人的一切都神秘的隐藏在他那引人注意的蜘蛛网般的黑发和血红的嘴唇后面。而对于听过他的音乐的人来说,不管是一直用他的歌声伴随着你的人声,还是偶尔走过他的道路,你都会感受到一个魔幻般的世界。缀满星辰的天空,深蓝色的湖面,鲜艳的深吻。....一切都是如此的不可思议。十四岁时与同学LOL TOLHURST, MICHAEL DEMPESY一起组成了名为EASY CURE的乐队。- X/ |' @3 ?+ T) D
0 m! X2 d: T* ^; J% E8 r风格. K& S. K/ K# x" |2 e
New Wave(新浪潮)Post-Punk(后朋克) Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚)Synth-Pop(合成器) Brit-pop(英伦摇滚)gothic rock(哥特摇滚)6 f, Z7 Y3 e! H/ {+ t
( T" j. G6 S( {3 s* O* F, t2 F4 L
$ K% x1 K6 X9 T& R0 a. `我一直想知道是什么力量在整整十九年的时间里面,一直支持者一个充满着无数矛盾的思想,而同时又被无尽的激情燃烧的大脑.这一切的答案在哪呢?ROBERT SMITH?对,就在ROBER SMITH,一个创造了THE CURE那疯狂,异常的音乐世界的歌手,一个在十四岁大还穿着天鹅绒校服时就因其恶劣行为被开除学校的男孩,一个梦想在永不停止的音乐声中尖叫,狂笑,在悬崖绝壁上蹒跚漫步的疯子。" j# [5 ^* x% } d1 ]
SMITH的路程开始於1959年四月二十一号的BLACKPOOL.但还在他幼年时全家就搬到了CRAWLEY.他个人的思想也就萌芽于城市的边缘,六岁时,他从他的哥哥RICHARD处开始学习吉他和弦,他们的第一盒样,包括一首有点模仿ALBERT CAMUS的"THE OUTSIDER"的名为"KILLING AN ARAB"的歌曲,到了POLYDOR唱片公司的CHRIS PARRY的手中。被这首歌深深打动的PARRY,在1978年12月通过独立唱片公司SMALL WONDER为THE CURE出版了一张限量发行的单曲唱片.而当时离开POLYDOR,组建了FICTION RECORDS时,也同时把THE CURE带到了新公司,直到现在。+ H' q$ E( t. E5 |! F
1975年二月,FICTION再版了"KILLING AN ARAB",乐队也开始了巡回演出.他们个性分明,富有哲理充满迷幻感的音乐向其时流行一时的PUNK乐队发起了挑战。SMITH为THE CURE的音乐建立起了一个与众不同的标志.随后THE CURE出版了第一张个人专辑"THREE IMAGINARY BOYS".在这张专辑中,THE CURE第一次表示了他们在音乐中的基本态度:来自郊区的年轻人对市区的反感和对抗。在1979年,ROBER SMITH为自己的演唱生涯打开了成功之门.不止是经历了漫长的巡回演唱会,并录制了两手单曲"DON'T CRY"和"JUMPING SOMEONE EESE'S TRAIN".而且当THE CURE与IOUXSIE和THE BASHEES共同举行巡回演出期间,ROBERT SMITH常常一晚要出场两次,除了在THE CURE中演出,还要在THE BANSHEES中出任吉他手和词曲作者,而当MICHAEL DEMPSEY被SIMON GALLUP取代,又加入了键盘手MATTHIEU HARTLEY后,THE CURE在1979年末,也登上了一个新的历程# t8 G" }3 Y2 I2 H& t
随后THE CURE出版了第二张专辑"SEVENTEEN SECONDS",这张专辑使THE CURE在黑色,哥特式的音乐创作方面开阔了新的领地,并出现了乐队的第一首热门歌曲"A FOREST".凭借这首歌,专辑进入了排行榜前二十名,THE CURE也成为了一这真正的热门乐队,并在欧洲和亚洲举行了一次巡回演唱会,但就在这期间,MATHIEU HARTLEY 离队,THE CURE又回到了三人组合。9 M4 o; n5 s& k; a
大概是因为乐队成员的频繁更换,这是乐队对未来产生了莫名的恐惧,害怕失败,害怕解散,甚至害怕没人为他们发行以后的专辑.1981年的"FAITH"中强烈的幽闭感和对此的恐惧体现了乐队当时的心态。所幸的是这张专辑爬上了英国排行榜的第十四,比前两张专辑更为成功.单曲"PRIMARY"也同样取得了成功。尽管乐队并未摆脱那种歇斯底里的情绪对他们的影响.1982年推出的PROGRAPHY却成为了八十年代最具标志性的唱片之一。但这也似乎预示着乐队将走上不可避免的一步,在巡回演唱会即将结束时,一切终于发生了,SIMON GALLUP宣布离队,同时LOL TOLHUREST也拒绝再作为乐队的鼓手,而要改做键盘手.但这次THE CURE挺过来了,在吸引了新鼓手STEVE GOULDING后,THE CURE在年末推出了一首新单曲,带有舞曲风格的"LET'S GO TO BED"就在此时,另一位对THE CURE有着重大影响的人TIM POPE在拍摄这首歌的MTV时出现了。TIM POPE是一位与众多乐队合作过的MTV导演.他说:"THE CURE也许是你所能遇到的乐队中最愚蠢的合作伙伴,但他们又是最充满智慧的乐队。"在1983年的"THE WALK"成为排行榜第十二名后,SMITH终于知道他已经摆脱了录制"PORNOGRAPHY"时的绝望与愤怒,而能够以一种正常的思想去探索更多的未知的音乐.
! w% C+ u" c9 y/ w, V6 a% Z: C1983年,SMITH花了更多的时间与失去了吉他手THE BANSHEES在一起,并录制了一张名为"HYAENA"的专辑和一张现场演唱会录音EP.但同时,THE CURE在吸收了新鼓手和贝斯手后,以一种全新的姿态出现在公众面前,并推出了THE CURE最著名的一首歌"THE LOVECATS",这首带有爵士风格的歌曲登上了排行榜第七名。这次成功不但表明SMITH的歌曲创作达到了一个新的高潮,而且也为他们赢得了更多的歌迷.但这些成功并不意味着THE CURE已经完全忘记了曾长时间盘踞在他们心中的紧张和恐惧,1984年推出的"THE TOP"就是对此的一段回忆。这张专辑给人的感受如同是一辆疾驰的过山车在绝望中穿越过性和死亡.就在"THE TOP"上到专辑榜第十名时,其中的一首单曲"THE CAPERPILLARS",一首描写在黑暗与绝望中的短暂甜蜜的歌曲也上到了单曲榜第十四名。不久THE CURE又有了新的变动,ANDY ANDERSON和PHIL THEORNALLEY先后离队,自行发展,取代他们的是鼓手BORIS WILLIAMS和吉他手PORL THOMPSON,同时原来的贝斯手SIMON GALLUP也回到了队中
4 }" Y# |7 `% z/ Z; x9 t1986年五月乐队为打开美国市场在美国出版了一首单曲"THE HEAD ON THE DOOR",这似乎成了成功的前兆,美国媒体显然被ROBERT SMITH的个人神秘魅力所吸引,称他为"THE MALE KATE BUSH(男人中的KATE BUSH)",而当SMITH剪掉他一头蜘蛛网般的头发时,人们还为此感到沮丧。到了1987年,乐队又有了新的成员键盘手ROGER O DONNELL,而此时THE CURE也成立十年有十年之久了,在这十年中,他们共售出了八百万张唱片,为了纪念这一切,THE CURE出版了一本名为"TEN IMAGINARY YEARS"的书,详细记载了这传奇般的十年.
! Z5 S9 m" k9 p$ ^乐队的下一张专辑是一张名为"KISS ME KISS ME KISS ME"的双唱片,整张专辑充满了无尽的想象力和喜怒无常的感情,不论是痛苦还是幸福,THE CURE的演绎都是如此的出色。后推出的四首单曲"WHY CAN'T I BE YOU?""CATCH""HOT HOT HOT!""JUST LIKE HEAVEN"成为了美国各地独立电台的热门曲目.THE CURE也突然成为美国最走红的乐队之一。
% m9 E( R/ f5 U4 n; w8 w. t但1989年,乐队与LOL TOLHURST的关系变得越来越糟,这直接导致了TOLHURST的离开.对于THE CURE来说, 这也许是最不应该发生的事。毕竟TOLHURST从乐队建设时就在乐队中,他的离开是每个人都不愿看到的.也许是受此事的影响,乐队的新专辑名为"DISINTEGRATION(瓦解)",这是一张带有着神秘和忧伤的专辑,在热门单曲"FASCINATION STREET" "LULLABY" "PICTURES OF YOU"和"LOVE SONG"的驱动下,"瓦解"升到了BILLBOARD的第二位,为此THE CURE 在美国进行了巡回演出。但在演出结束后,ROGER O DONNELL离开了乐队,取代他的是PERRRY BAMONTE.0 L7 P% c& u1 g
1990年乐队出版了一张名为"MIXED UP"的混音专辑,包括了热门歌曲"NEVER EOUGH"和PAUL OAKENFOLD的经典歌曲"CLOSE TO ME"和翻唱混音版。更令人兴奋的是乐队在次年的二月的英国音乐颁奖典礼上获得了最佳乐队奖.不过最令THE CURE感到自豪的是他们在1992年推出的"WISH",这张专辑获得了前所未有的成功。不仅仅是因为被众多的乐评人认为是他们最好的一张唱片,而是因为ROBERT SMITH在这张专辑中通过一首首歌曲将他多变的性格和梦想完完全全的表达出来,并建立起了一个完全属于他本人和THE CURE的世界.就如他自己所说的"我们做的越久,就会和别人离的越远".在商业上WISH也获得了巨大的成功,英国的第一名和美国的第二名,还涌现了热门歌曲"FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE " "HIGY" "A LETTER TO ELISE" ./ z8 R( j, F9 {; l) D n5 W& b+ h" [
1993年对THE CURE来说是喜忧参半的一年,乐队出版了多张现场演唱会专辑,包括唱片和录像,并将其中一部分收益捐赠给了国际红十字会。至此,乐队在全世界已经售出了超过两千三百万张唱片.但乐队成员的频繁变动的问题仍在继续。PORL THOMPSON也离开了乐队.而1994年则无疑是艰难的一年,尽管乐队和FICTION唱片公司在一场与LOL TOLHURST的官司中最终获胜,但这也严重分散了他们的精力。而就在乐队即将推出新专辑的前夕,BORIS WILLIAMMS向媒体宣布了离队的消息,乐队在无奈之下只有在一份报纸上刊登了这样一篇广告"著名乐队征求鼓手(非重金属)."而最终竟先后有至少七名鼓手在乐队新专辑的录制过程中被使用,直到1995年春天,这一问题才得以解决,JASON COOPER成为了乐队的正式鼓手,另一方面,ROGER O DONNELL也回到了队中。1996年二月,乐队终于推出了名为"WILD MOOD SWINGS"的专辑,正如他们在92年的"WISH"中将他们零散的音乐灵感融会成一个完美的整体一样,在"WILD MOOD SWINGS"中.THE CURE将他们的音乐推向了一个新的领域,表达着欲望与沮丧的共存。正如标题所显示的,THE CURE奖歌迷邀请进了一个充满想象力的巨大的空间,在那,一切都会在瞬间改变,安全,危险,幸福,忧伤都没有任何界限.在举行完"SWING"巡回演唱会,并第一次在美国的电视网上演出之后。乐队决定来一点小小的改变,他们推出一张名为"FIVE SWING LIVE"的限量发售的EP唱片时,没有按照惯例在唱片店发售, 而是在他们的INTERNET网址上向那些深爱他们的歌迷出售,这也使得这张唱片成为了一张罕见的收藏品./ i f6 A _: |# W
1997年一月,ROBERT SMITH被邀请参加了在纽约麦迪逊广场举行的摇滚名人殿堂五十周年纪念会,同时参加的还有DAVID BOWLE,LOU REED,FRANK BLANK,FOO FIGHTER和BILLY CORGAN.SMITHE还与DAVID BOWLE在一起合唱了七十年代的名曲"QUICKSAND".同年夏天,THE CURE到了美国参加在LOS ANGELES举行的KROQ WEENIE ROAST 音乐节。在那,他们受欢迎的程度甚至超过了OASIS,BLUR,FOO FIGHTER和OFFSPRING这些大红打字的新乐队.ROBERT SMITH在舞台上还宣布即将发行一张收集了从1987到1997年的所有THE CURE的单曲的精选集。作为THE CURE从一直默默无闻的地下乐队到一支名闻天下的殿堂级乐队的全过程的纪录,在这张名为"GALORE"的精选集中收录了THE CURE过去十年中最著名的歌曲,以及一首名为"WRONG NUMBER"的新歌.+ e4 [" v# e# N7 K# B2 ~
在THE CURE二十年的演唱生涯和两千五百万张唱片销量的背后,THE CURE依然是他们遍布全球的歌迷心中的力量源泉。作为一支非主流音乐的先驱者,他们深深影响了许多后来的乐队,如SMASHING PUMPKINS"和"THE CRADGANS" 等.
# [$ |* f3 C. D# I! S7 z就像所有伟大的摇滚乐队一样,THE CURE用音乐在摇滚乐的历史上烙上了他们的印记,成为一代人的代言人。
5 u" v- Y3 m" k; n4 g
+ X: z/ a6 d, A z; I- f* z/ V$ q2 w# K- z3 ^# @
. m( s$ ]1 f1 z+ a9 e
: Y: V- U0 c6 k7 t8 X
$ s; ]6 b/ m/ ]0 s# \
├─1979 - Three Imaginary Boys9 R* ?& G; O6 Q
│ 01 10_15 Saturday Night.m4a
0 `6 q G# ~- p2 Z8 { B│ 02 Accuracy.m4a" `0 M- @' d/ P: `3 N
│ 03 Grinding Halt.m4a
- m& `! v! P i e n* U│ 04 Another Day.m4a/ g N4 g- M1 n) M$ L+ |
│ 05 Object.m4a/ l1 U r5 x1 J
│ 06 Subway Song.m4a
3 M' J0 Z+ K; {" ]' ]! n$ ^│ 07 Foxey Lady.m4a
; n9 T9 V s/ y4 _: a* ?. K│ 08 Meat Hook.m4a/ ^+ A' Q1 d# _- m
│ 09 So What.m4a
+ [$ W4 O3 y" D" J4 t- a9 e1 z p3 p│ 10 Fire In Cairo.m4a: P6 n2 h/ y4 W/ D) I" _7 _) m. f
│ 11 It's Not You.m4a
8 u4 u+ s- ]9 J& W' Q$ M0 l│ 12 Three Imaginary Boys.m4a
( ` E& D" F8 u9 U9 O│ 13 The Weedy Burton.m4a( A: z2 r( _2 g& [) Q) Y
│ % D6 Q& {" g5 i) C
├─1980 - Seventeen Seconds
; S+ w9 o, D( S) |7 H8 ?; K. I│ 01 A Reflection.m4a
$ D1 G, S8 K8 w3 O$ Y( @│ 02 Play for Today.m4a
' ?/ T5 r$ T5 ^( ^+ [( v│ 03 Secrets.m4a) F! ^' o1 h( U- U5 v6 W
│ 04 In Your House.m4a$ j& `2 V/ _, W2 ?0 a4 c
│ 05 Three .m4a1 j( Z" n) I, i5 h0 w
│ 05 Three.m4a
* l1 P n' `/ V F0 g3 P" @│ 06 The Final Sound.m4a& N0 k# J5 _+ F6 y$ u A
│ 07 A Forest.m4a
+ d7 H; [# R, \$ J│ 08 M.m4a
9 {0 C+ l; Z, p; D, @│ 09 At Night.m4a; E& G) c; K. r& b
│ 10 Seventeen Seconds.m4a8 ?& Y5 ~/ y1 J* t
+ S$ ^ {- ?0 j% h├─1981 - Faith
' `8 G% C, {/ t* m# q│ 01 The Holy Hour.m4a
+ R; n7 b& j5 N# | l│ 02 Primary.m4a
8 |" @. B3 `5 N1 E│ 03 Other Voices.m4a) ?4 a. X2 K3 E
│ 04 All Cats Are Grey.m4a
# U/ d3 P F0 e9 o4 {/ i│ 05 The Funeral Party.m4a
0 r \; r* E& F) d& I. j│ 06 Doubt.m4a
- l. X4 L- ?8 a- ?6 @│ 07 The Drowning Man.m4a
. z6 K; i, R2 M/ ~1 W9 s│ 08 Faith.m4a
2 z4 a$ d' O! s5 `% D. J: v& Q! I' f│
! r% x: {; H) q8 P. G6 A├─1982 - Pornography
& E6 l [* F, ^4 f+ g- Z4 Q* ~│ 01 One Hundred Years.m4a
+ O M+ A8 B+ i# _│ 02 A Short Term Effect.m4a% F" m z: b/ b0 s
│ 03 The Hanging Garden.m4a7 z) c; f$ K0 [, ^2 @
│ 04 Siamese Twins.m4a' R5 C4 p3 S ~2 k9 X7 F4 \
│ 05 The Figurehead.m4a2 T2 O9 n# u" b3 Z1 p
│ 06 A Strange Day.m4a
) z6 F; ?. K# |0 d4 ]6 G6 c│ 07 Cold.m4a
D! v& T; p7 x. X+ `3 [" q│ 08 Pornography.m4a
: P# u$ G3 n+ x1 w: W│ 0 T1 Z- U$ x9 A% Y" o% L; R, R
├─1983 - Japanese Whispers( |- X9 A$ J9 I. z
│ 01 Let's Go to Bed.m4a, \9 r* X$ ~" M' x' e
│ 02 The Dream.m4a
) L5 ~$ z- i8 m* _+ m│ 03 Just One Kiss.m4a
1 c7 O/ S1 S5 c4 D, a$ w5 m# c│ 04 The Upstairs Room.m4a
G" r0 e9 n/ h│ 05 The Walk.m4a' T4 L& n; _; H" ?1 M
│ 06 Speak My Language.m4a9 ~/ T! A+ }: B& q- b
│ 07 La Ment.m4a0 C/ e9 D- u& m( [) {9 f
│ 08 The Lovecats.m4a
) ] s) r! z) V│ 0 J8 ^# Z! z* U2 u4 Y
├─1984 - The Top
1 F& N# l) L: I6 e7 ~" k│ 01 Shake Dog Shake.m4a
. q5 M4 B! p+ F# D│ 02 Birdmad Girl.m4a& Z! y# V D# E# s
│ 03 Wailing Wall.m4a
L1 [3 ? Y/ i- }+ G P/ O. [│ 04 Give Me It.m4a4 y' K" w. S+ |) ]3 \) }
│ 05 Dressing Up.m4a- y6 o1 l) u2 Q
│ 06 The Caterpillar.m4a0 X3 |" k' {8 k+ W3 \5 ?8 l
│ 07 Piggy In the Mirror.m4a
4 H O% ^5 X8 u9 `- W. c6 r K│ 08 The Empty World.m4a
* f( G' y6 |; H6 S│ 09 Bananafishbones.m4a
" p7 g5 y% L5 A4 u8 Z# G% F│ 10 The Top.m4a
0 J3 {3 Z8 j# i1 \│ ! M4 A0 B4 ]* r+ S/ _
├─1985 - The Head On the Door
! \* r; k1 k2 U5 B4 f) x, A: R" z│ 01 In Between Days.m4a
6 }6 b" p% ]+ D1 J│ 02 Kyoto Song.m4a
, R, v' d$ @9 W│ 03 The Blood.m4a, D ]0 p* \6 M, b0 x* p" P
│ 04 Six Different Ways.m4a
, H0 L) c5 B0 C/ f; }│ 05 Push.m4a! N: ^' f' a) C9 I$ o
│ 06 The Baby Screams.m4a
- R. R2 r+ ~8 o+ d│ 07 Close to Me.m4a' f% y" M: U6 L! A1 }) c! S* L
│ 08 A Night Like This.m4a
4 N R& V- k: O. r* d3 }│ 09 Screw.m4a
5 v5 o& Q) z: \. ^│ 10 Sinking.m4a
, { _- d+ \9 ~) T) Y% O│
& n3 d$ t& ^0 [ B+ K$ M├─1986 - In Between Days _ Stop Dead [Digital 45]
; B3 g1 N4 j' g! r│ 01 In Between Days.m4a6 M( z" I0 S: J: j# K
│ 02 Stop Dead.m4a
# q" R# y0 v& a- c1 [% w9 Q│ # ~2 d; w' R) \$ [- F) p% b3 @1 j
├─1986 - In Between Days _ Stop Dead [Digital 45] - Single$ u, T! z! v3 Y o m! m( ?9 l
│ 01 In Between Days.m4a. t9 h2 b( F5 d
│ 02 Stop Dead.m4a, U# [0 \5 C7 ]1 `* Y; C
│ Digital Booklet - In Between Days Stop Dead [Digital 45].pdf% t' @5 k; I, Q/ Q* t; }
│ * X/ p! F3 g- i7 o* H
├─1987 - Just Like Heaven _ Breathe [Digital 45]
% p8 v- i4 _" G! }9 c2 S" F4 N6 B( c│ 01 Just Like Heaven.m4a
" p. `1 P# C& l; J! _│ 02 Breath.m4a! @, R/ R* V' W+ f5 G
: ]' @5 @) \, ]8 l1 i" y├─1987 - Just Like Heaven _ Breathe [Digital 45] - Single
9 v2 c0 q& k& k7 M @9 l5 {│ 01 Just Like Heaven.m4a( G+ u/ ^, [ d& `" P
│ 02 Breath.m4a
3 [3 h: U& i- l8 z4 |│ Digital Booklet - Just Like Heaven Breathe [Digital 45].pdf
$ r6 N7 F3 X+ ^+ q% H4 n+ A│
5 Y$ e% l0 k% a4 [├─1987 - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me$ ?4 ~$ v5 `$ e! h, a4 W1 Z- m
│ 01 The Kiss.m4a
# }5 ^$ X* `& w( D│ 02 Catch.m4a4 U% S1 k% G; z1 [* P$ v* \
│ 03 Torture.m4a" G7 T) C6 X$ \- v7 X$ m
│ 04 If Only Tonight We Could Sleep_.m4a
6 @+ F9 e# @: Y7 G% [│ 05 Why Can't I Be You_.m4a
% N# o$ i; E# E( F│ 06 How Beautiful You Are.m4a) f3 V3 P/ i, f8 u2 ~. k
│ 07 The Snakepit.m4a
0 ~. h4 i8 C; _4 V7 p8 ^│ 08 Just Like Heaven.m4a
0 o% h0 S4 i, Z7 d│ 09 All I Want.m4a
% s! u# x% T W│ 10 Hot Hot Hot!!!.m4a
5 w6 B7 c t# M& _; u4 J│ 11 One More Time.m4a
& [2 t, d' w* v1 T│ 12 Like Cockatoos.m4a
e9 {* r z* x│ 13 Icing Sugar.m4a
$ h N7 ~* ?) E2 i. W│ 14 The Perfect Girl.m4a
+ x9 u2 F- H) {3 x4 N( K│ 15 A Thousand Hours.m4a( n3 X7 k1 E9 h# M. ^# m. v% j
│ 16 Shiver and Shake.m4a2 p7 {6 q8 f4 i1 b& L# K& F
│ 17 Fight.m4a9 K! ` M7 l/ H& L- w% B' S
8 Q" ~3 q0 A m: a' ~7 H1 P├─1989 - Disintegration (Remastered)
7 d6 J. P+ s2 E- k( ^│ 01 Plainsong.m4a! W9 d- U, |/ S' D2 N, z
│ 02 Pictures of You.m4a
% K6 b4 P* o: u│ 03 Closedown.m4a
1 p3 h1 k* }( Y# j2 h7 Q│ 04 Lovesong.m4a4 a# [( G/ m1 n9 I/ L5 Y
│ 05 Last Dance.m4a
7 h* }- t8 ]) V│ 06 Lullaby.m4a; J$ h+ S3 f* W2 K; J/ t
│ 07 Fascination Street.m4a& o1 P4 f) E9 o7 }- {& _- c/ P
│ 08 Prayers for Rain.m4a6 y+ g8 q; p3 `6 B. Z6 I) h
│ 09 The Same Deep Water As You.m4a% |& H1 ^. N# `; X* Y/ O4 g. M
│ 10 Disintegration.m4a0 r& f4 T, Y" `
│ 11 Homesick.m4a3 w: S: L3 T( C6 i0 Y
│ 12 Untitiled.m4a# r4 C% x2 N! x1 R9 a q" f' Q0 m
: e8 B) c6 x* j; t4 \8 x$ Q/ y- _9 N├─1989 - Love Song _ 2 Late [Digital 45] - Single9 @. Y) L# c0 w- ~
│ 01 Love Song.m4a
/ { j9 T1 p2 y7 V' _4 o9 W│ 02 2 Late.m4a
8 k+ l* Q* ]2 l! I8 p( u6 ~! y│ Digital Booklet - Love Song 2 Late [Digital 45].pdf6 g) M! G) j! _6 o
, r, _- m. p- J% t) E* s├─1990 - Mixed Up9 ]% {/ b6 |# `; U' m
│ 01 Lullaby (Extended Mix).m4a
X/ ]0 {! b. e2 V1 k7 T9 A7 B│ 02 Close to Me (Closer Mix).m4a
, q4 w/ S' i0 K( W! `# H9 E9 G; r) ~│ 03 Fascination Street (Extended Mix).m4a
1 j* M7 ~, @. `) V6 }# ^│ 04 The Walk (Everything Mix).m4a. n' k% E% M8 j7 r
│ 05 Love Song (Extended Mix).m4a: E/ Q$ _! o8 N, A
│ 06 A Forest (Remix Mix).m4a6 @5 k9 a7 X. \" Z5 t
│ 07 Pictures of You (Extended Dub Mix).m4a( \$ N, [ R# e5 l2 t
│ 07 Pictures of You (Extended Dub Mix.m4a }# m2 Y0 o$ ~6 n
│ 08 Hot Hot Hot !!! (Extended Mix).m4a H, x6 Y% z: f2 T4 t( |0 M, r
│ 09 Caterpillar (Flicker Mix).m4a
! w, ^; j7 J5 T& G0 e6 g- h6 L o0 K│ 10 In Between Days (Shiver Mix).m4a
, E, |) y! f) x( n│ 11 Never Enough.m4a
& S( e4 R5 r: B. l, w' p8 s0 D│ 4 R) Q2 @! j! l4 G
├─1992 - Wish
9 ~2 y$ p2 h) l7 b F9 ], B, E│ 01 Open.m4a: t" C2 ~3 F* X
│ 02 High.m4a
6 Q7 j( X" }8 w' ?- C: [8 B( n│ 03 Apart.m4a
+ J2 F- M9 D% H│ 04 From the Edge of the Deep Green S.m4a6 }' l8 f8 B/ ]8 p+ O' `1 b- N
│ 04 From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea.m4a0 U& W+ e$ @ |6 m* D
│ 05 Wendy Time.m4a
. N- z- t' H/ H7 k│ 06 Doing the Unstuck.m4a
* Z5 e0 C5 e5 k' q+ R│ 07 Friday I'm In Love.m4a
7 | \5 }( g3 j│ 08 Trust.m4a
! c6 u6 y3 R, `│ 09 A Letter to Elise.m4a: T; h; p/ r9 C
│ 10 Cut.m4a+ `" I7 R1 d: l2 M% n1 {
│ 11 To Wish Impossible Things.m4a/ T: C* u9 C0 n& @, q A! X
│ 12 End.m4a! p8 O' d4 `" u8 C- u0 T6 M) r
5 I8 D* b- W6 `1 X) j├─1993 - Paris (Live)
. ?% N1 K% f) Y& z/ d- G│ 01 The Figurehead.m4a
# _: c3 ` p1 {# m2 f' z5 j4 N│ 02 One Hundred Years.m4a
9 |/ P3 y% P8 U3 j7 m% y3 [! j7 _ f│ 03 At Night.m4a
d3 k# v9 d# \; [│ 04 Play for Today.m4a& O" w$ r+ ~3 L# d+ w# H
│ 05 Apart.m4a0 ?, B/ X1 G' z- b p. F4 c7 @
│ 06 In Your House.m4a' ^4 r1 Q" ?( l! Y* L' G
│ 07 Lovesong.m4a. H$ y% }$ j! P) T) I: s3 f
│ 08 Catch.m4a% v# O# N+ `) t$ r/ B* v
│ 09 A Letter to Elise.m4a% J8 s4 c6 @4 c I
│ 10 Dressing Up.m4a* d7 z" o4 O7 Q" H* ~
│ 11 Charlotte Sometimes.m4a
0 N/ @) V; B) q) | Y, D│ 12 Close to Me.m4a7 J$ P8 @7 P- `8 b2 x7 D
│ 1 ]3 U% w! B. r5 r2 J1 F8 M, {! Z
├─1993 - Show (Live). z) {% G, a4 q+ K
│ 01 Open.m4a9 C* n. d! j; S6 a
│ 02 High.m4a. ^7 ~: `4 T, }; d; D$ Y
│ 03 Pictures of You.m4a4 h4 Y: r! [2 [8 K6 P
│ 04 Lullaby.m4a
9 _! X4 H, D. P% I! k6 o% n│ 05 Just Like Heaven.m4a
4 \, V' t* o1 I' {4 d│ 06 A Night Like This.m4a9 K8 V. A4 d. H/ c- l9 ?- s
│ 07 Trust.m4a7 s6 U% U2 {/ f- |
│ 08 Doing the Unstuck.m4a. K; b; m2 g( j- y) \% l* ] B+ x4 j
│ 09 Friday I'm In Love.m4a9 m, f2 S4 [- S' g. b4 _# }3 h
│ 10 In Between Days.m4a" v7 p2 B, e9 V5 Q7 t; V
│ 11 From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea.m4a# b6 S, q% v' D; K9 E! ]- S
│ 12 Never Enough.m4a2 T- y# j3 ]( V8 r" Q' N, C! q
│ 13 Cut.m4a( \2 Z P7 G5 i, n7 K& O
│ 14 End.m4a7 C. _2 I; F6 `6 a# \# y
│ * _7 [& Z6 I9 n# E5 P
├─1996 - Wild Mood Swings
* v/ i: T; B7 I. f& O& g│ 01 Want.m4a9 q7 R4 [1 D1 w* d6 ?1 o
│ 02 Club America.m4a
2 X6 ?7 K0 [. v4 j/ c& z│ 03 This Is a Lie.m4a! r/ U$ E% m3 V! `6 a; v
│ 04 The 13th.m4a( \3 H: t& `" N# P& m
│ 05 Strange Attraction.m4a6 B" R, i! w- {' S8 `
│ 06 Mint Car.m4a( L3 {( T, Q" A& v
│ 07 Jupiter Crash.m4a/ V: B+ a4 {7 j* w' ?
│ 08 Round & Round & Round.m4a3 d y" I m) `# O
│ 09 Gone!.m4a
: N8 ?5 d) Z- }│ 10 Numb.m4a
- k" |* F1 v3 i: N4 G│ 11 Return.m4a
5 t; L* W" w7 m0 g* A- H│ 12 Trap.m4a4 m) q( f# m) c, k* A% e2 p
│ 13 Treasure.m4a
- Y2 a# N/ d( B$ X; K o$ ~" ]/ J│ 14 Bare.m4a7 f3 ^9 J- e! C, B5 ]
. {- C# B& _: p├─2000 - Bloodflowers8 W7 \# Q" I* l
│ 01 Out of This World.m4a
+ m7 N. |' T( X5 e6 |│ 02 Watching Me Fall.m4a
/ L; h e1 z1 t6 ~, E- X│ 03 Where the Birds Always Sing.m4a: h# e- }- P+ i* T1 |7 C' h) ^; c
│ 04 Maybe Someday.m4a
1 @9 h7 I N0 a3 z: x- S│ 05 The Last Day of Summer.m4a4 {+ \ o ~2 V1 I e" D
│ 06 There Is No If.m4a
- g& [0 X/ L8 B E- B/ h D│ 07 The Loudest Sound.m4a5 q g6 ]4 R% T e! N
│ 08 39.m4a
! e0 W4 |4 g+ L* L# O/ N│ 09 Bloodflowers.m4a
2 l! Y4 t* R* {/ y# y1 N& i9 g0 H│ 4 ^! \% h% u' K' e" L
├─2001 - The Cure_ Greatest Hits
" D1 F1 K7 ^) A0 T( j5 O│ 01 Boys Don't Cry.m4a
4 o6 X1 |) K0 \│ 02 A Forest (Shortened Edit).m4a6 m7 t' \$ h: e! M; \8 u% ~0 ^2 l
│ 03 Let's Go to Bed.m4a/ [' s+ H# E+ Z' I# A2 |% \. p; l
│ 04 The Walk.m4a
8 G% C" M' A Z* \; @│ 05 The Lovecats.m4a
7 U9 @0 t) A( h│ 06 Inbetween Days.m4a V O8 g" ?2 g' v/ x5 R
│ 07 Close to Me.m4a4 Q5 G* n. J0 p. i- ~ d3 @3 E
│ 08 Why Can't I Be You_.m4a" j4 q. s5 G# ~" Z1 v
│ 09 Just Like Heaven.m4a' P8 c' W, }" Q: e5 E
│ 10 Lullaby.m4a! U$ b/ n/ I% d8 l b
│ 11 Love Song.m4a
5 h) `2 N" o3 j1 D; A* L* w│ 12 Never Enough (Single Version).m4a6 c7 e# l) O: a3 v' F$ O m
│ 13 High.m4a3 N- l/ X( N {
│ 14 Friday I'm In Love.m4a+ A7 v6 Y; j0 [2 y5 W3 q+ T) r& U" j( I
│ 15 Mint Car.m4a; X1 H8 {9 h4 Y0 ]5 D& d; @. b. s
│ 16 Wrong Number.m4a
/ U1 w' k+ j& ], O' T: c- P│ 17 Cut Here.m4a
# _- J1 w5 S/ E│ 18 Just Say Yes.m4a' ^. J7 S' Q# u
│ 19 Just Say Yes.m4a7 y: ]) k; }7 R+ C* S
' ]. }. C y/ k8 [! B. z├─2004 - Join the Dots B-Sides and Rarities, 1978-2001
+ ^0 z0 N& V0 S! ~5 C5 b! _│ 01 10_15 Saturday Night.m4a
; v( {9 ]$ j1 B! ~: @. B% X" b( c│ 02 Plastic Passion.m4a
' [+ W0 T. r$ i _3 C% F│ 03 Pillbox Tales.m4a X5 \: }5 j0 @1 F; }( n4 u
│ 04 Do the Hansa.m4a0 P* k. o5 r5 M$ v, ~
│ 05 I'm Cold.m4a
4 _% U. y9 J! p! S/ J$ S│ 06 Another Journey By Train.m4a7 Q( i. U* E- F
│ 07 Descent.m4a
8 L# E# [ b! F' E& O+ }│ 08 Splintered In Her Head.m4a0 b! u- q4 d2 o- \
│ 09 Lament (Flexipop Version).m4a/ J) j4 x# W; {+ K3 k" U
│ 10 Just One Kiss.m4a
- r) {2 C( ?) w7 [. Y+ r" [│ 11 The Dream.m4a
; p/ I0 ^% x0 a2 o2 v) o│ 12 The Upstairs Room.m4a$ J. T+ R8 F9 [1 j; L z
│ 13 Lament.m4a9 y+ O: K. X( g8 }0 I6 q
│ 14 Speak My Language.m4a
/ F; H7 H) C6 L( q7 X│ 15 Mr. Pink Eyes.m4a7 S. J( ~! S+ R) U* f" y3 z, T
│ 16 Happy the Man.m4a: Z7 B7 {5 J6 A* i X( e
│ 17 Throw Your Foot.m4a
0 m& K+ W3 Z6 v4 c│ 18 New Day.m4a
2 T+ Y, P* Z- c2 K│ 19 The Expolding Boy.m4a' v* p" u ~) ?' x4 s! A
│ 20 A Few Hours After This.....m4a+ E, \: j8 m% H* i
│ 21 A Man Inside My Mouth.m4a
+ X1 o4 g( T$ K* k0 J \│ 22 Stop Dead.m4a
+ b. _+ ~2 Z1 m$ y& }│ 23 A Japanese Dream.m4a
+ y0 v3 H- \- Q, N│ 24 Breath.m4a
# I \, u3 D% r) q% R2 w│ 25 A Chain of Flowers.m4a: C' K7 F- A* j3 Z: j
│ 26 Snow In Summer.m4a
! e" c' G+ B P1 Q) F│ 27 Sugar Girl.m4a- H6 r- ^" ]3 y/ A' V; \/ c0 x
│ 28 Icing Sugar (Weird Remix).m4a8 t6 N, |6 P1 Y3 T" ^9 }
│ 29 Hey You!!! (Kevorkian 12_ Remix).m4a& Y: {. t1 k4 o; c) p
│ 30 How Beautiful You Are.m4a+ {% G* d+ P/ U, I/ ^: o) u
│ 31 To the Sky.m4a
3 z: @$ b( e3 D5 V' N: \│ 32 Babble.m4a+ W# ^4 t. [* ~4 s8 `2 l
│ 33 Out of Mind.m4a
9 B& W5 v4 }# m9 C│ 34 2 Late.m4a/ f: w( c7 g. e, L% p+ k0 v D- Y$ O+ y
│ 35 Fear of Ghosts.m4a+ H1 X" }$ e% `" ?" R; r
│ 36 Hello I Love You (Unreleased Psyc.m4a
# U! T) N s1 m' z& d- e: f│ 37 Hello I Love You.m4a
* }, K/ n( o9 c, N+ N│ 38 Hello I Love You (Slight Return M.m4a
% {3 r" Z, X% C6 ]+ u7 Z. {│ 39 Harold and Joe.m4a
0 H" Y) `; Y( R1 |1 P8 t& z/ ?│ 40 Just Like Heaven (Dizzy Mix).m4a& f: H) x/ Z+ l& j3 p9 l
│ 41 This Twilight Garden.m4a
h# n4 y3 {0 N8 C│ 42 Play.m4a( d1 w7 A7 s3 e3 E2 _1 Y
│ 43 Halo.m4a
5 b5 j& r3 ~ Q( L9 c. k│ 44 Scared As You.m4a, v' a! P1 S* b2 N2 _4 S2 U
│ 45 The Big Hand.m4a
5 P0 B4 E5 u+ q3 e" P4 g: O│ 46 A Foolish Arrangement.m4a
& h( c- X0 u" q$ G% D0 X│ 47 Doing the Unstuck (Saunders 12_ R.m4a. J9 U, D3 g) G8 |- O6 h. `
│ 48 Purple Haze (Virgin Radio Version.m4a, J+ c) Z/ r3 g0 A- p0 j8 [! l8 ~5 M
│ 49 Purple Haze.m4a
U0 d; ~3 x+ X& D& o! ~│ 50 Burn.m4a
! U: S( @7 B* ^3 i│ 51 Young Americans.m4a# i4 Q& L9 Z- n- x4 e
│ 52 Dredd Song.m4a
5 Q8 Z. _! V( Y; x; e/ c) u│ 53 It Used to Be Me.m4a
, t. i( Y6 p% f! k7 Q│ 54 Ocean.m4a
/ {- V; L$ |3 D1 H│ 55 Adonais.m4a
9 o3 |; u3 D) x6 Z9 q│ 56 Home.m4a1 _9 P$ _2 B( @) H- B
│ 57 Waiting.m4a
- W( H+ c8 J0 E; X, {. k' I│ 58 A Pink Dream.m4a2 e) `" Y% R9 P, @& M3 a/ l& j
│ 59 This Is a Lie (Ambient Mix).m4a
6 [/ o D8 l3 P# H│ 60 Wrong Number (P2P Mix).m4a6 { j% _ u) \6 J1 e7 c
│ 61 More Than This.m4a
2 _* e3 B4 G0 H2 {* j. j│ 62 World In My Eyes.m4a! I8 w6 c( K1 X) T8 R
│ 63 Possession.m4a& B' I( r( V5 @9 s
│ 64 Out of This World (Oakenfold Remi.m4a
" z' S) b. M% B2 A│ 65 Maybe Someday (Acoustic Mix).m4a
5 Q; M" L0 u) p│ 66 Coming Up.m4a
k- [5 d0 D- E* N│ 67 Signal to Noise (Acoustic Version.m4a
9 B% r5 }: z. J│ 68 Signal to Noise.m4a
" ?! x( k7 m" Q) H* Z│ 69 Just Say Yes (Curve Mix).m4a$ _' w+ W) F: Y* U$ o
│ 70 A Forest (Mark Plati Mix).m4a4 [" }8 r @+ f- u9 H3 \ R
│ / f( [8 a8 v7 t; U: }' K2 J4 e2 K
├─2004 - Sessions@AOL - EP
$ T N8 C# N, ^# O% O+ R│ 01 Lost (Live).m4a
. K4 P' ]% X7 E4 b6 ~' ^, D& ]* \│ 02 Before Three (Live).m4a
, A/ H P4 `+ o) I: {# m8 k1 T│ 03 The End of the World (Live).m4a
2 m6 f6 x( b( I5 v+ T u$ p' z│ 04 Love Song (Live).m4a
$ _. @) h/ t8 V1 B$ S# e; e│ 05 Just Like Heaven (Live).m4a# @, ?/ m7 I" r5 k, C
│ 06 The Edge of the Deep Green Sea (L.m4a
9 O4 P) P$ Z& z+ @* u; ^6 [: G% l│ 06 The Edge of the Deep Green Sea (Live).m4a' u6 G6 `7 R ^0 X+ n. k
│ 07 One Hundred Years (Live).m4a
, L) m) Z! W% Z3 a( Q│ 6 h9 w. v+ k& Q+ x7 }* U. b+ x
├─2004 - The Cure& _' o/ {9 G( p, L) \
│ 01 Lost.m4a
) G' X. O% A$ F3 q( \0 J│ 02 Labyrinth.m4a
! }; M2 e6 c$ C: j1 M! Y│ 03 Before Three.m4a% B2 ?' r& O& G/ O( Y; K" Y
│ 04 The End of the World.m4a
- l1 c* R% Y( d│ 05 Anniversary.m4a1 w. \5 h. l. O9 p& z
│ 06 Us or Them.m4a3 N" X5 F' i3 {: I7 m+ o+ T/ M
│ 07 alt.end.m4a. A8 d& s. G2 [& T
│ 08 I Don't Know What's Going On.m4a( R6 @( q6 |3 B1 w2 q
│ 09 Taking Off.m4a: A$ z, M! N) J3 k- _' ?8 R) ~7 X
│ 10 Never.m4a
" c& y4 h" ?! T! K│ 11 The Promise.m4a, N' n. i# u& o' |
│ 2 k _. J; U3 N7 d6 ^- l9 h D
├─2004 - The End of the World - EP0 Z' z6 v" v. i5 Z
│ 01 The End of the World (Single Edit RS mix).m4a
3 i0 u: w L8 o% T( ~% @ x│ 01 The End of the World (Single Edit.m4a o; {( j# O& E6 Z* G* o. a
│ 02 This Morning.m4a- }( j7 y: s3 O! r) Q
│ 03 Fake.m4a4 L4 J; X9 Y! T/ i- Q
/ J) K! t p, q7 Z4 ]+ J├─2004 - The End of the World - Single3 s6 T1 e9 |* _: l @4 m
│ 01 The End of the World (RS Mix) [Si 1.m4a
0 S$ ]: A. O- R; e$ ^0 O2 J8 V7 O│ 01 The End of the World (RS Mix) [Si.m4a
! Q" ?4 V C3 G% _$ G4 w. P│ 01 The End of the World (RS Mix) [Single Edit].m4a
2 |; g$ A& M/ Q│ ( u- x+ Y: k7 L: t w {' Y
├─2005 - Faith (Deluxe Edition)3 t, I# @* P, }6 q
│ 01 The Holy Hour.m4a! }/ x* T: H: A7 j% n' C
│ 02 Primary.m4a9 x1 x! }/ ^+ \- n) L, E
│ 03 Other Voices.m4a/ R. b+ z. Z1 C+ U7 n9 n
│ 04 All Cats Are Grey.m4a
8 B. q& \1 u. u7 @│ 05 The Funeral Party.m4a
% X. Y7 a! ?' v& {│ 06 Doubt.m4a0 j8 t7 f1 g* ]# [: p8 K
│ 07 The Drowning Man.m4a
$ R( [" {4 C* ]# J│ 08 Faith.m4a7 g) k( Q4 @: W. v8 E D
│ 09 Carnage Visors_ The Soundtrack (Tour Film - Soundtrack).m4a, x- L- g. d c
│ 10 Faith (RS Home Instrumental Demo Aug. 1980).m4a
0 w: H3 d0 h! [│ 11 Doubt (RS Home Instrumental Demo Aug. 1980).m4a6 _1 s$ T" I% \
│ 12 Drowning (Group Home Instrumental Demo Sept. 1980).m4a
- w- b2 c9 E7 u( T0 S+ B! V0 B# Q│ 13 The Holy Hour (Group Home Demo Sept. 1980).m4a2 @# b8 x% g: ^1 t1 \; E1 T
│ 14 Primary (Morgan Studio Outtake Sept. 1980).m4a
9 U, L% O7 K; U. ]* A│ 15 Going Home Time (Morgan Studio Guide Vox Outtake Sept. 1980).m4a+ [' z; n# i! R% H8 ~; t- t! V0 I
│ 16 The Violin Song (Faith Studio Guide Vox Outtake Feb. 1981).m4a
. _4 @' _: `6 i& h│ 17 A Normal Story (Faith Studio Guide Vox Outtake Feb. 1981).m4a) D3 k% j# L) L( K. b) x0 |
│ 18 All Cats Are Grey (Live Summer 1981).m4a, i) I% n. k1 Q: m4 A
│ 19 The Funeral Party (Live Summer 1981).m4a, H( T+ y) S3 H& J
│ 20 Other Voices (Live Summer 1981).m4a
9 W/ X! `5 t$ m1 ^; q1 z│ 21 The Drowning Man (Live Australasia Aug. 1981).m4a
7 R E D# X2 w( F( ]│ 22 Faith (Live In the Sydney Capitol Theatre Aug. 1981).m4a6 R) V7 `1 F% p3 r) E' k: f8 y/ c
│ 23 Forever (Live Summer 1981).m4a
4 F+ q: [, b% X" }2 d│ 24 Charlotte Sometimes (Single Version).m4a- W! H+ z2 `3 {/ f O) ~
' v- Z9 `. H+ ^0 a4 A+ [1 H├─2005 - Pornography
! S R4 v6 q8 n0 \( K4 G│ 01 One Hundred Years.m4a1 }, C+ B/ b, E
│ 02 A Short Term Effect.m4a
) @1 v, d+ D" x2 t2 C6 U- y│ 03 The Hanging Garden.m4a
; P ?" _9 g# k│ 04 Siamese Twins.m4a
8 d- Y& C( T0 [0 F% h$ F- g│ 05 The Figurehead.m4a1 P/ Q4 U3 {) [" P& U& S. ~
│ 06 A Strange Day.m4a
9 _& O2 o2 x; e- ^" C9 Y│ 07 Cold.m4a9 S4 R- j' m4 s; d
│ 08 Pornography.m4a
+ P1 |, W- h& _│ 09 Break (Group Home Instrumental De.m4a
9 S5 v- W% O6 h" b│ 10 Demise (Rhino Studio Instrumental.m4a
" c, d: Y0 z# _) d7 E9 |│ 11 Temptation (Rhino Studio Instrume.m4a. w! ?5 I. u/ ], v/ ^
│ 12 The Figurehead (Rhino Studio Demo.m4a
2 P# W0 C, S$ _/ _; m% M, v% q│ 13 The Hanging Garden (Rhino Studio.m4a
+ w3 M, X# M: W' i│ 14 One Hundred Years (Rhino Studio D.m4a
4 Q( l ^6 w+ I) J- Q0 a+ i│ 15 Airlock_ The Soundtrack (3_82).m4a
* X- E9 \0 m6 ^& L% q8 a│ 16 Cold (Live In the Hammersmith Ode.m4a
/ g: O( ]- c9 {1 p/ y+ b& N3 x│ 17 A Strange Day (Live In the Hammer.m4a
5 f: B: q4 X1 S2 h0 t' F│ 18 Pornography (Live In the Hammersm.m4a6 L/ V/ d, d% U7 c
│ 19 All Mine (Live In the Hammersmith.m4a4 r4 J% ^6 g' D* N+ u7 @* c @
│ 20 A Short Term Effect (Live In Brus.m4a
) Q9 Y5 n$ b( A8 B│ 21 Siamese Twins (Live In Brussels 6.m4a1 L5 K8 b' d) ]& ?6 E" e6 q! H
│ 22 Temptation Two (aka LGTB) [Rhino.m4a
( o3 z: Q+ u, S' r8 E│ ' H6 W2 {0 I: H- a
├─2005 - Pornography (Deluxe Edition)
& j; R* ]" t/ O│ 01 One Hundred Years.m4a
8 Z3 q. C7 r( ^; Q' ~│ 02 A Short Term Effect.m4a6 O* \# }) Q0 J( f( x
│ 03 The Hanging Garden.m4a
: i+ J' J) O' E' ]" Q$ j) l# ?│ 04 Siamese Twins.m4a
$ G) Y \5 o* Q' O) u3 j* q( o│ 05 The Figurehead.m4a
$ ^; N+ T+ ^5 b/ j: ?│ 06 A Strange Day.m4a' e. u+ H! m7 k3 t9 I3 M* T6 Y- g
│ 07 Cold.m4a a- ^& ?! D, r! @
│ 08 Pornography.m4a4 Z3 T* n# d- _ {
│ 09 Break (Group Home Instrumental Demo).m4a& Y! [; g) O# q- g
│ 10 Demise (Rhino Studio Instrumental Demo).m4a
2 `+ l, `& T T8 Y! l│ 11 Temptation (Rhino Studio Instrume.m4a" t. l( e* F7 V6 f, T
│ 12 The Figurehead (Rhino Studio Demo).m4a
) V+ Q) o2 {& M7 x% O7 e, z9 x│ 13 The Hanging Garden (Rhino Studio Demo).m4a0 c& V5 c8 R0 \1 |# S
│ 14 One Hundred Years (Rhino Studio Demo).m4a
) X" F+ Z/ E' \5 `│ 15 Airlock_ The Soundtrack (3_82).m4a
; z& `" S' S: i+ W5 w- {│ 16 Cold (Live In the Hammersmith Odean 5_82).m4a. V; R% p9 o2 s) Z2 H. Q! N' A
│ 17 A Strange Day (Live In the Hammersmith Odean 5_82).m4a* A3 `) _ H6 K& f3 n' i! v
│ 18 Pornography (Live In the Hammersmith Odean 5_82).m4a, i0 L% W( S- K, D$ T' u3 O
│ 19 All Mine (Live In the Hammersmith Odean 5_82).m4a
( B, R" F; T& [: R+ d( J2 Q│ 20 A Short Term Effect (Live In Brussel 6_82).m4a6 X; k" S% g# ?/ M0 U* \) J
│ 21 Siamese Twins (Live In Brussels 6_82).m4a
- h% y1 c J" n0 d; R p" E, o2 E│ 22 Temptation Two (aka LGTB) [Rhino Studio Demo 7_82].m4a
+ X" [& e( C5 `, c9 h* c│
! p6 _ R" w* o3 f8 F- r; H├─2005 - Seventeen Seconds
9 v$ k, `! `6 Z% q# \ Q9 [& [│ 01 A Reflection 1.m4a
4 B- [# u. \6 U8 h% Y│ 02 Play for Today 1.m4a
2 i# x) W1 G( l5 |1 M# H& o: R│ 03 Secrets 1.m4a# l+ F* y! r# h3 O3 n2 b; N c' n
│ 04 In Your House 1.m4a7 B3 x9 u9 \4 K" e" ~2 H
│ 05 Three 1.m4a1 n$ a; ^; I: \# D" D
│ 06 The Final Sound 1.m4a
6 `5 ^9 ?% }% |2 Q* L8 I" c│ 07 A Forest 1.m4a
8 E+ J, T1 n4 b│ 08 M 1.m4a: f. P" L1 i1 V! M3 v+ A% g! p
│ 09 At Night 1.m4a
j( x" u% d4 t0 a H! P: u│ 10 Seventeen Seconds 1.m4a
& |0 Y( L0 E8 Z) Q, o│ 11 I'm a Cult Hero.m4a. B8 t: |! `0 U# f! p
│ 12 I Dig You.m4a
i! b6 P) O5 T5 R$ A│ 13 Another Journey By Train (Group H.m4a/ T/ y+ H* g. ?, x d9 a& }
│ 14 Secrets (Group Home Instrumental.m4a1 Z, N/ ]6 S$ t' }2 w9 c
│ 15 Seventeen Seconds (Live In Amster.m4a _; X( a: U7 E& e8 x* o; v
│ 16 In Your House (Live In Amsterdam.m4a8 e# S; A! `0 O8 X
│ 17 Three (Alt. Studio Mix Feb. 1980).m4a. G( {( m" R: B) C& K6 v
│ 18 I Dig You (Cult Hero Live In the.m4a
4 a* k9 U2 m( \, V5 s) j│ 19 I'm a Cult Hero (Cult Hero Live I.m4a( |0 h( W# ?% l/ V' G' \
│ 20 M (Live In Arnhem May 1980).m4a% u* E8 ~, I2 i6 p1 Y2 j
│ 21 The Final Sound (Live In France J.m4a
[! C: j6 p9 [/ G. N│ 22 A Reflection (Live In France June.m4a& W, v+ Q* p6 y8 O' z; {# b
│ 23 Play for Today (Live In France Ju.m4a
1 ?5 f4 r) a1 o, j│ 24 At Night (Live In France).m4a
3 ] G0 ` |/ f- E& n/ n5 R, j│ 25 A Forest (Live In France June 198.m4a% u9 `! U8 G- ^3 ]
│ $ i# ~2 `. J! _) {/ Q
├─2005 - Seventeen Seconds (Remastered)
7 L! |# d: Y' R6 ^│ 01 A Reflection.m4a
* C J* q' |4 g L! |│ 02 Play for Today.m4a! E) F4 \ L% ~3 w
│ 03 Secrets.m4a
8 T3 m2 a' h7 N) e+ ~│ 04 In Your House.m4a
- N3 S5 y& _+ \│ 05 Three.m4a
) r* D4 y6 g8 R! X. K│ 06 The Final Sound.m4a
3 K s$ a! _3 z. F) i│ 07 A Forest.m4a
5 E( W0 A! o2 g! i│ 08 M.m4a* p6 J* l6 W9 \* ^9 h
│ 09 At Night.m4a
% t+ v; U4 e, X2 l0 p│ 10 Seventeen Seconds.m4a
5 a% V! {& D" D% `│ 11 I'm a Cult Hero.m4a/ f k2 [6 v" ]8 q% r; f
│ 12 I Dig You.m4a' g8 m% o: N# w; \/ Y. T* @1 V/ j
│ 13 Another Journey By Train (Group Home Instumental Demo 1_80).m4a
8 U! N: P: k# `1 x6 {, ~, a) `│ 14 Secrets (Group Home Instumental Demo 1_80).m4a& d4 z. M/ G) C @; c
│ 15 Seventeen Seconds (Live In Amsterdam Jan. 1980).m4a+ A n1 n4 Z8 a s
│ 16 Seventeen Seconds (Live In Amsterdam Jan. 1980).m4a
2 {' G& L+ [& \4 @│ 17 Three (Alt. Studio Mix Feb. 1980).m4a
% w* @0 f' D y" e& N│ 18 I Dig You (Cult Hero Live In the Marquee Club London March 1980).m4a
! ?) ]: M) y) r. U2 @│ 19 I'm a Cult Hero (Cult Hero Live In the Marquee Club London March 1980).m4a# L4 R g' W2 z& X3 C
│ 20 M (Live In Arnhem May 1980).m4a9 `# V, t0 I" R/ V6 b
│ 21 The Final Sound (Live In France June 1980).m4a' I2 E$ n" O. X0 ~* K; c
│ 22 A Reflection (Live In France June 1980).m4a
. G. \+ U# |8 P. P│ 23 Play for Today (Live In France June 1980).m4a
- y9 n* u# Z& {( z) t4 F! l│ 24 At Night (Live In France).m4a% M# }9 {8 w) \, A0 e
│ 25 A Forest (Live In France June 1980).m4a
& c {% l/ D6 D' h, E│ % R) c% P" [8 a+ ]3 T* Y$ ?1 ~; |+ [9 [
├─2006 - From Festival 2005 (Live Audio Version) - EP3 E( J3 z; l6 A! m6 F
│ 01 Alt.End (Live from Festival 2005).m4a
4 n+ u% A- A) N, G4 ~8 p│ 02 Push (Live from Festival 2005).m4a
* X* o4 d* ]9 j' a│ 03 In Between Days (Live from Festiv.m4a b, w5 K* s8 H* H4 \1 O# G0 y
│ 03 In Between Days (Live from Festival 2005).m4a
; \2 N7 K5 ]; U0 C│ 9 T9 M) U9 ]$ u# _2 i3 b
├─2008 - 4_13 Dream
1 M0 M0 n- Z, b, m1 U& M│ 01 Underneath the Stars.m4a* x9 ?* f* r; a8 G" L
│ 02 The Only One.m4a/ ~* h/ r2 J3 }" r% i( [
│ 03 The Reasons Why.m4a% A7 h6 E4 Q) B0 c/ L, e2 y
│ 04 Freakshow.m4a
9 |0 o% U3 x4 x$ K4 R/ H% C│ 05 Sirensong.m4a4 l$ H9 S+ i# B
│ 06 The Real Snow White.m4a4 w' m- a, \& t7 }) Y' E9 m5 h
│ 07 The Hungry Ghost.m4a
# z" I2 T6 J0 X$ k6 v7 m$ e7 a" r│ 08 Switch.m4a$ d F: T$ {& V) r' |
│ 09 The Perfect Boy.m4a
( z2 h7 m. s1 I: @ K) o│ 10 This. Here and Now. With You.m4a; t( ~ s1 ?# X, |
│ 11 Sleep When I'm Dead.m4a
, R: A+ G `. V" T% q5 x1 r│ 12 The Scream.m4a! J1 G5 K2 i: X1 D1 \* T
│ 13 It's Over.m4a8 a& K+ W# T$ h( A
│ Digital Booklet - 4_13 Dream.pdf! l! c* E; i! Q e) U
. Y# T/ ^* I. Z$ X& J j├─2008 - All Kinds of Stuff - Single5 y- ]* E, l0 |9 \
│ 01 All Kinds of Stuff.m4a
7 E$ J% L( |3 S" o│
, @. n3 k; a4 ?, X$ |4 `1 Q├─2008 - Down Under - Single
9 i) f$ p& o9 S% Q& c1 {4 }6 o│ 01 Down Under.m4a7 P- X+ X) u( T& ^; B( B/ H
│ & ~0 w0 d% ~7 I7 \
├─2008 - Freakshow (Mix 13) - Single
- f, }( K) p4 j) X6 v8 H│ 01 Freakshow (Mix 13).m4a
( o1 M5 K# e' Q5 s│ 6 J& P4 t( U2 j) _
├─2008 - Hypnagogic States9 a; N, e; K; c1 _; z
│ 01 The Only One (Remix 4 By 30 Seco.m4a9 f. `* S" O/ f
│ 02 Freakshow.m4a
6 x* @7 W8 f1 N/ l3 B" M0 W# R│ 03 Sleep When I'm Dead.m4a+ s% }% ?& y9 K& u* m
│ 04 The Perfect Boy (Remix 4 By Patri.m4a
! i2 k3 C. |; L2 |│ 05 Exploding Head Syndrome (4 Single.m4a% U8 s9 y" i) N) r
│ 06 The Only One (Remix 65 By 65 Days.m4a
4 g. M6 E4 c. R8 I0 [, C n│ ( |' I) b$ e. d$ A6 b
├─2008 - Hypnagogic States - EP
: ?4 c) t% ^( g# [( ~" X│ 01 The Only One (Remix 4 By 30 Seconds to Mars).m4a/ l C8 R2 {+ O" u; s2 _7 l- M7 E
│ 02 Freakshow.m4a
x4 H* {: I, h: d3 B4 Q│ 03 Sleep When I'm Dead.m4a7 m& `" I% s" I6 d9 L4 O6 s) k; S; y
│ 04 The Perfect Boy (Remix 4 By Patrick Stump _ Pete Wentz [Fob]).m4a
/ j6 m8 p! t5 M/ z. P1 j/ n* D│ 05 Exploding Head Syndrome (4 Single Remix By 65 Days of Static).m4a
9 w* _! B1 v3 v) i0 i│ 06 The Only One (Remix 65 By 65 Days of Static).m4a
7 H$ g) r/ `9 i6 q$ ~4 r│ Digital Booklet - Hypnagogic States.pdf
& `/ w C9 l1 \" W6 T; ~│ ~7 @% Q; h2 H
├─2008 - NY Trip - Single: Y+ A1 x( }" e* m. @
│ 01 NY Trip.m4a
/ k6 `$ E Q8 t- T9 g( B/ V! R│
, V' |) D1 u" w+ _" J! r8 L- l├─2008 - Sleep When I'm Dead (Mix 13) - Single8 q2 T; E8 T1 e7 x) e! O- B# O
│ 01 Sleep When I'm Dead (Mix 13).m4a. {7 T5 u/ q3 o3 i
│ " v" Q7 n3 ^# H/ }. P4 S0 f
├─2008 - Sleep When I’m Dead (Mix 13) - Single9 a! z2 J# S6 r/ J
│ 01 Sleep When I'm Dead (Mix 13).m4a
4 [) S! l) u7 F6 s$ q2 h( y8 Z│
# W' I- Y8 A% m5 W* O& K( K├─2008 - The Only One (Mix 13) - Single0 `% s2 }4 }; e) I" A8 z L
│ 01 The Only One (Mix 13).m4a
1 w! ^- r' g# y, A( y) d# i& e3 X│ # ?9 l. n- e9 q3 W8 A5 y% T" m( t8 g% m
├─2008 - The Perfect Boy (Mix 13) - Single
+ z3 d+ \" Y: Y8 M" E│ 01 The Perfect Boy (Mix 13).m4a
5 ^8 D5 r' R* W, I. n' S│ : v2 H" l/ S, b Q* U- ^
├─2008 - Without You - Single: W7 m6 r& [! C. o; b
│ 01 Without You.m4a- `4 t+ z% N) D6 i4 ?
9 W, h R j; O+ t6 W: i# V# @├─2010 - Disintegration (Deluxe Edition)9 \. l' n3 ]9 T
│ 1-01 Plainsong (Remastered).m4a# Z { @( ~% Q9 s6 G
│ 1-02 Pictures of You (Remastered).m4a
+ y+ K, F6 P# E, |4 C│ 1-03 Closedown (Remastered).m4a# b& X! [8 d# [& q
│ 1-04 Lovesong (Remastered).m4a: k; R2 H, L9 {0 t+ A) w* I/ N
│ 1-05 Last Dance (Remastered).m4a
+ ?; E! G8 L! x- J8 G' }│ 1-06 Lullaby (Remastered).m4a
. P( ~" t& q' l" k│ 1-07 Fascination Street (Remastered).m4a
, _4 \2 {: S! J4 k3 E/ D4 q│ 1-08 Prayers for Rain (Remastered).m4a+ H }5 W4 w1 N( }: _
│ 1-09 The Same Deep Water As You (Rem.m4a7 N3 B9 z; E! O& V- N3 o" I6 H* g
│ 1-10 Disintegration (Remastered).m4a
4 z3 L( E5 U) n! ?; Q│ 1-11 Homesick (Remastered).m4a0 K2 ~( ] M& J2 a- M1 [" f$ s
│ 1-12 Untitled (Remastered).m4a
7 A# P. k2 C8 T│ 2-01 Prayers for Rain (RS Home Instr.m4a5 y, R& k* F0 Q* K8 ^
│ 2-02 Pictures of You (RS Home Instru.m4a
+ |1 s8 C: K4 }7 r│ 2-03 Fascination Street (RS Home Ins.m4a. J/ m/ z' i8 B/ v
│ 2-04 Homesick (Band Instrumental Reh.m4a
, |) L) v( k! U( W' Y! W( H' j9 R│ 2-05 Fear of Ghosts (Band Instrument.m4a
1 W- g. y7 S+ {2 q+ I6 f│ 2-06 Noheart (Band Instrumental Rehe.m4a
, i, N% Q [$ h# P│ 2-07 Esten (Band Instrumental Demo).m4a o/ a6 d# b" J0 h4 Q, g- z
│ 2-08 Closedown (Band Instrumental De.m4a% q3 A7 V/ j0 A0 M$ \9 u
│ 2-09 Lovesong (Band Instrumental Dem.m4a
7 a, O" j- m9 V. s/ I/ n8 @8 J V│ 2-10 2 Late (Alternative Version) [B.m4a! c4 x0 H3 a7 s: D
│ 2-11 The Same Deep Water As You (Ban.m4a
0 n: j% W2 F$ G/ w$ J# S; R1 d3 Q│ 2-12 Disintegration (Band Instrument.m4a
6 i* O3 F D# |1 Q0 F5 C│ 2-13 Untitled (Alternative Version).m4a
2 J4 E% [* \# v/ a: V│ 2-14 Babble (Alternative Version) [S.m4a0 x, G% Q0 }" ?) U
│ 2-15 Plainsong (Studio Guide Vocal R.m4a
' c. ^. C+ ]. ]$ P6 z/ a│ 2-16 Last Dance (Studio Guide Vocal.m4a
6 T4 B" I# f4 e3 t$ m* K% p│ 2-17 Lullaby (Studio Guide Vocal Rou.m4a
) ?( F- C* V: S( L4 X3 f$ b6 l│ 2-18 Out of Mind (Studio Guide Vocal.m4a9 c9 M. l- R, u- s3 U
│ 2-19 Delirious Night (Rough Mix).m4a
- {! ]2 P; j2 s6 `; n0 H7 |' S8 G│ 2-20 Pirate Ships (Robert Smith Solo.m4a
. E9 @! e- f9 q2 y│ 3-01 Plainsong (Entreat Plus - Live.m4a
# q9 m, _# g8 S0 J" Y│ 3-02 Pictures of You (Entreat Plus -.m4a
* L# D; a) C9 K# a1 f9 P│ 3-03 Closedown (Entreat Plus - Live.m4a' E8 E9 F* N( o7 M1 A
│ 3-04 Lovesong (Entreat Plus - Live 1.m4a3 D# g) e, |" q* n
│ 3-05 Last Dance (Entreat Plus - Live.m4a" k+ Z8 r, B7 Z! F
│ 3-06 Lullaby (Entreat Plus - Live 19.m4a
1 h: B# C; F6 D+ ]' Z│ 3-07 Fascination Street (Entreat Plu.m4a
" ]) o7 \) q! A6 u3 k0 Y. d" R' T│ 3-08 Prayers for Rain (Entreat Plus.m4a
# C6 Y2 r p0 C; |│ 3-09 The Same Deep Water As You (Ent.m4a
) z: l" E+ w& W- J4 ^6 k│ 3-10 Disintegration (Entreat Plus -.m4a
5 }0 N$ B9 S# B* v* I6 z│ 3-11 Homesick (Entreat Plus - Live 1.m4a
0 J- e. w! C! O7 k' n' h4 n3 f& }│ 3-12 Untitled (Entreat Plus - Live 1.m4a1 Q+ q( l& X- z$ ?8 ?0 s
│ 3-13 Lovesong.m4v8 ` p/ r6 `: A6 \5 t. Q
│ 3-14 Fascination Street.m4v R; q6 |. s8 _5 i7 d5 g$ K
│ 3-15 Lullaby.m4v$ r, T9 m% x/ ]2 T. X1 `
│ 3-16 Pictures of You.m4v
/ S! s6 H5 w7 l+ R( x; D/ u3 B│ e( T- _% x8 u3 D* G& o
├─2011 - Bestival Live 20111 _4 f6 h5 n; O
│ 1-01 Plainsong (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
- \7 t/ m" ?5 R) q0 ]4 a│ 1-02 Open (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a, @- @$ b1 J5 u* }- d8 P
│ 1-03 Fascination Street (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a' {! R, e3 C* h' L
│ 1-04 A Night Like This (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
! K; X$ o3 m7 x* a6 ~! f│ 1-05 The End of the World (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
6 l& r, o q2 O4 O. X) P│ 1-06 Lovesong (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
3 [7 m0 g. G; O1 L2 O: \│ 1-07 Just Like Heaven (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
0 M, w" z; P7 h* T│ 1-08 The Only One (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a, C8 f% U5 l, S9 \% a0 B4 F; e
│ 1-09 The Walk (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a; d' N1 w" Z/ q/ Q) R; T( L4 F
│ 1-10 Push (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
! t) `2 [ O4 K) [. `$ X│ 1-11 Friday I'm In Love (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
( ?+ y* d- x- H" R9 \│ 1-12 In Between Days (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a% F1 D* ~/ {( L; u
│ 1-13 Play for Today (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
" v% d9 u9 Z: z/ n t0 K│ 1-14 A Forest (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a1 F2 V1 |0 g) k- O/ M! n8 ?$ p; i) ~
│ 1-15 Primary (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
3 T+ y9 @; ?! Q& k, s% H│ 1-16 Shake Dog Shake (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a# A% q5 v3 @+ x1 S( A
│ 2-01 The Hungry Ghost (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a- M7 |- y D5 [* H3 c' y0 a4 l9 p
│ 2-02 One Hundred Years (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a+ ^ g( f1 b' }3 M! w$ i
│ 2-03 End (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
$ P1 g* ?1 Y1 {7 y3 [! y2 t│ 2-04 Disintegration (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a& {$ _& Q$ _3 f) y" [
│ 2-05 Lullaby (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
7 ]0 } f% k3 {& [+ U" M│ 2-06 The Lovecats (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
3 e" a0 u5 j% C3 w& B│ 2-07 The Caterpillar (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
/ q' j: @$ c7 A0 s│ 2-08 Close to Me (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a: ^) k9 O& L- k: [" l: Q
│ 2-09 Hot Hot Hot!!! (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
9 @" d( E: \( C3 _/ B; {! l5 q│ 2-10 Let's Go to Bed (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
( |, l; d. V1 U; k$ Z│ 2-11 Why Can't I Be You (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
( a' f' `) ?) U│ 2-12 Boys Don't Cry (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a. m. ?% n' j/ l6 G
│ 2-13 Jumping Someone Else's Train (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a
e+ |4 [! `6 }+ r│ 2-14 Grinding Halt (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a! j1 Q! d9 r W) D; [9 L, ]/ X# O5 z
│ 2-15 10_15 Saturday Night (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a! k. B7 s/ J6 \+ o; d
│ 2-16 Killing Another (Live At Bestival - 2011).m4a+ V- x* @' E/ q# g! u
│ Digital Booklet - Bestival Live 2011.pdf% d! N( c" c% l4 E& k
3 I6 _4 r4 H v+ |) O# G├─2018 - Mixed Up (Remastered 2018 Deluxe Edition)
0 h/ q% k% @9 D/ W! O│ 1-01 Lullaby (Extended Mix).m4a
7 C+ N( ?, v z- k' h% d/ P2 i│ 1-02 Close To Me (Closer Mix).m4a
& w2 H, a' e2 ~4 y4 H! ]│ 1-03 Fascination Street (Extended Mi.m4a @. o( l( Q I
│ 1-04 The Walk (Everything Mix).m4a
9 }; N+ G# Q. [2 B( ]3 b│ 1-05 Lovesong (Extended Mix).m4a
+ Z! P1 P4 y) [1 a, U5 H│ 1-06 A Forest (Tree Mix).m4a
, J, ^6 e9 @: |; y4 M6 Z1 {, k│ 1-07 Pictures of You (Extended Dub M.m4a
: W9 p2 M0 t' W, Q: o│ 1-08 Hot Hot Hot!!! (Extended Mix).m4a
( c, }, W% H& b) q7 I& ^5 b9 h9 ] T│ 1-09 The Caterpillar (Flicker Mix).m4a
6 M6 v. d* k$ t& }& a│ 1-10 Inbetween Days (Shiver Mix).m4a
7 e. U4 m9 p/ L; | i- n* ^│ 1-11 Never Enough (Big Mix).m4a
) d' L6 K/ p$ l$ A: x│ 2-01 Let's Go To Bed (Extended Mix 1.m4a
3 V5 U% }5 q) Q) S% c│ 2-02 Just One Kiss (Extended Mix 198.m4a
, G G7 z1 y1 ], L0 J' n$ I│ 2-03 Close To Me (Extended Mix 1985).m4a/ b k2 b; b# l& u4 ^
│ 2-04 Boys Don't Cry (New Voice Club.m4a
0 a5 {% r* O1 H% m( g│ 2-05 Why Can't I Be You_ (Extended M.m4a
- R3 V/ O `; B* j7 }+ ~│ 2-06 A Japanese Dream (12_ Remix 198.m4a
% q8 S" P; n0 S. z│ 2-07 Pictures of You (Extended Versi.m4a. W( t3 |6 K& o' a. u4 |5 `
│ 2-08 Let's Go To Bed (Milk Mix 1990).m4a
% m7 \/ K/ t) n│ 2-09 Just Like Heaven (Dizzy Mix 199.m4a- i* f( G, d" R. H. K! D; k. k
│ 2-10 Primary (Red Mix 1990).m4a! D v9 P$ J4 y# B
│ 2-11 The Lovecats (TC & Benny Mix 19.m4a
& Q% a) k' r7 H5 c: b; j│ 3-01 Three Imaginary Boys (Help Me M.m4a
( Q4 K' ~% V' i! E& `│ 3-02 M (Attack Mix 2018).m4a) B! H" w. K% }* E) {
│ 3-03 The Drowning Man (Bright Birds.m4a
' u; x2 G* X$ S% K' X& o% L│ 3-04 A Strange Day (Drowning Waves M.m4a
' n" ~0 y2 o9 v; ^ _│ 3-05 Just One Kiss (Remember Mix 201.m4a" b" P ]( t8 g _; p4 y5 {( h/ l7 F
│ 3-06 Shake Dog Shake (New Blood Mix.m4a% R$ o/ Z- d$ s
│ 3-07 A Night Like This (Hello Goodby.m4a% {% h5 ?* x1 X$ @
│ 3-08 Like Cockatoos (Lonely In the R.m4a* K: U, H1 K s9 [' L
│ 3-09 Plainsong (Edge of the World Mi.m4a6 z( {5 k/ s' f" J& e2 N
│ 3-10 Never Enough (Time To Kill Mix.m4a
1 D) y: o& y# F* |│ 3-11 From the Edge of the Deep Green.m4a
! _. U% Z7 P+ J9 J( t/ B│ 3-12 Want (Time Mix 2018).m4a- }$ F) g, t0 n% V( P8 J1 Q
│ 3-13 The Last Day of Summer (31st Au.m4a
' D- H$ p$ n$ {8 |% ~│ 3-14 Cut Here (If Only Mix 2018).m4a/ t1 Y* @! x$ |8 `6 v o+ t) u
│ 3-15 Lost (Found Mix 2018).m4a
' z. Y! P0 g% Q& p& P) h│ 3-16 It's Over (Whisper Mix 2018).m4a2 r# k7 q* L$ h( T8 i
│ & |! F. |3 {! {# H+ G! R w: d
├─2019 - Anniversary_ 1978 - 2018 Live In Hyde Park London (Live)
+ T1 @+ j2 B4 K* e6 T│ 01 Plainsong (Live).m4a
' B- |. H- Z8 q1 }│ 02 Pictures of You (Live).m4a
8 y# C+ T/ P/ j3 J8 p4 }│ 03 High (Live).m4a5 f1 d5 D( j: w5 T* u
│ 04 A Night Like This (Live).m4a6 U; y5 X7 t" G: `5 d# K" x X
│ 05 The Walk (Live).m4a* l+ C w l' j- R& q
│ 06 The End of the World (Live).m4a& s; j( F$ V8 |* q+ _
│ 07 Lovesong (Live).m4a9 F. a- P8 y. B+ x5 ^5 U& Z F; Y, |
│ 08 Push (Live).m4a
) H; b! A1 @3 z! d/ D│ 09 Inbetween Days (Live).m4a
* h" N. o, h H. _) p. q( L│ 10 Just Like Heaven (Live).m4a
/ j: f" ~/ }8 b1 ]9 {) Z│ 11 If Only Tonight We Could Sleep (L.m4a
( G) ~! i( j! [1 `│ 12 Play For Today (Live).m4a
. N5 `( ]2 G( j│ 13 A Forest (Live).m4a
* C8 ^/ b) h1 `- O, g% ]9 m# f f C h│ 14 Shake Dog Shake (Live).m4a; F2 \# b1 w! F
│ 15 Burn (Live).m4a/ u4 k# W# N9 I1 r5 r0 W
│ 16 Fascination Street (Live).m4a3 f+ B5 g& e7 W% `0 p, ?6 H
│ 17 Never Enough (Live).m4a4 h1 k$ k% P+ g5 W/ U, v4 Z
│ 18 From the Edge of the Deep Green S.m4a. u, ~3 i# W* p; o
│ 19 Disintegration (Live).m4a
' S3 u* L2 I2 y8 E1 C│ 20 Lullaby (Live).m4a6 @4 F1 S) P3 n8 P/ A/ U" J
│ 21 The Caterpillar (Live).m4a3 h, s) c" k2 ]( M
│ 22 Friday I'm In Love (Live).m4a
" Z" f2 D, V# S z- B: m( E4 C│ 23 Close To Me (Live).m4a
7 n2 i7 K6 T5 |% Y7 E│ 24 Why Can't I Be You_ (Live).m4a3 h0 p! a) ~# g9 F
│ 25 Thanks @ 40 (Live).m4a5 T, f' {0 u$ B
│ 26 Boys Don't Cry (Live).m4a
* T4 u; j4 `( ~. Q+ Q' g│ 27 Jumping Someone Else_s Train (Liv.m4a
& H9 l) R( ]: P3 c' I& j( O, j│ 28 Grinding Halt (Live).m4a# c' a: ?* o+ W6 `# W) h
│ 29 10_15 Saturday Night (Live).m4a
8 h# _! {+ A7 K) W5 L1 C- X│ 30 Killing an Arab (Live).m4a) V" \0 r( E/ o$ K1 y8 `
$ T5 Y# p3 ?; U4 q% p├─2019 - Curaetion-25_ From There to Here From Here to There (Live)
# a$ l3 {3 B2 j, Z' d4 Y# R0 J│ 01 Three Imaginary Boys (Live).m4a1 H# K6 o: T" g8 e% ^
│ 02 At Night (Live).m4a
+ Q% U; c/ x& b│ 03 Other Voices (Live).m4a" y4 J3 {% X" a. K; i& p% {7 T
│ 04 A Strange Day (Live).m4a6 L. i9 a; q! |8 q: A0 u
│ 05 Bananafishbones (Live).m4a/ X' ^- F) i |" n
│ 06 A Night Like This (Live).m4a
& w% g( p$ A; b* F│ 07 Like Cockatoos (Live).m4a }% z+ w4 ?9 O0 G6 P
│ 08 Pictures of You (Live).m4a6 g5 H2 _9 W3 v. o# }& h( [- C% J
│ 09 High (Live).m4a- H. c' a0 B3 r* \0 U! n$ L
│ 10 Jupiter Crash (Live).m4a
7 }4 @- R$ T- u0 X9 b│ 11 39 (Live).m4a( C/ ?4 w; T7 Z0 a) ~; M2 M
│ 12 Us or Them (Live).m4a
# [& g, A) { ~" `6 |│ 13 It's Over (Live).m4a; ?1 H' Q7 L: y( w& U# f1 D5 i2 t
│ 14 It Can Never Be the Same (Live).m4a
0 j6 g* p1 c+ S5 ^5 A6 d│ 15 Step Into the Light (Live).m4a+ K/ K& E0 a: c1 f
│ 16 The Hungry Ghost (Live).m4a; f6 G" u* Z+ j6 h) H6 |+ Q, P
│ 17 Alt.End (Live).m4a% s% J! x% h" g- V. p
│ 18 The Last Day of Summer (Live).m4a9 n, t8 n& g6 B" F# c( j1 r9 O( X
│ 19 Want (Live).m4a
' |" V$ F7 {- f" E│ 20 From the Edge of the Deep Green S.m4a8 `$ Q, y; s' r1 t
│ 21 Disintegration (Live).m4a
6 B- \2 x, o8 I, D1 q│ 22 If Only Tonight We Could Sleep (L.m4a: l3 m! H5 i1 z6 d& |8 K2 V# j
│ 23 Sinking (Live).m4a
! A1 {& ], h; c: b, X) Z( P│ 24 Shake Dog Shake (Live).m4a" z: d+ n' u% J# @. P
│ 25 One Hundred Years (Live).m4a
+ S# T$ w9 F; y│ 26 Primary (Live).m4a- U5 z2 K- I# n) s: a
│ 27 A Forest (Live).m4a
5 {" P( h% L" t+ U│ 28 Boys Don't Cry (Live).m4a! U/ C% a, u1 `% E2 a& U" L0 F4 ^3 @! R) L
│ " G5 Q1 _6 q4 F- P
└─2022 - Wish (30th Anniversary Edition)3 C9 b& N4 v, Z. \9 d
1-01 Open (Remastered 2022).m4a- R, J3 L# h# I+ l0 E
1-02 High (Remastered 2022).m4a
' M# |/ j% V( Y: M) T 1-03 Apart (Remastered 2022).m4a1 V. c9 L) V6 j' L, m8 M
1-04 From The Edge Of The Deep Green.m4a
- f7 n6 g" ?/ ^; Y6 p- C4 X# j 1-05 Wendy Time (Remastered 2022).m4a m" {* D6 V2 a) |8 R4 v7 v
1-06 Doing The Unstuck (Remastered 2.m4a; C% b1 A- m1 {( ^/ Y
1-07 Friday I'm In Love (Remastered.m4a. p1 i0 b9 K/ H& p7 {: s3 n) p! z
1-08 Trust (Remastered 2022).m4a
$ f, {* ^$ C: X3 ^4 z, [# ] 1-09 A Letter To Elise (Remastered 2.m4a& ?/ f1 d4 V9 Q" A+ p2 D1 l3 L
1-10 Cut (Remastered 2022).m4a: R5 d( J5 T" ]- s" i
1-11 To Wish Impossible Things (Rema.m4a2 v3 t5 W: I) f& c9 `
1-12 End (Remastered 2022).m4a6 {* Z( I) A% j' n& r0 J6 r
2-01 The Big Hand (1990 Demo).m4a
1 D3 L, n: H$ F! o! s 2-02 Cut (1990 Demo).m4a! ^" O5 {% S! P. ~- `' f
2-03 A Letter To Elise (1990 Demo).m4a
& X# T' t; \( i. l 2-04 Wendy Time (1990 Demo).m4a
/ s+ v& O- c) s8 d# _ 2-05 This Twilight Garden (Instrumen.m4a
7 V! s- E5 Q* Q 2-06 Scared As You (Instrumental Dem.m4a
% }" S; F2 [/ k. g6 R# k 2-07 To Wish Impossible Things (Inst.m4a
% V" W& d2 F! d6 p9 t 2-08 Apart (Instrumental Demo).m4a
: c) N% R/ v& }6 @3 u 2-09 T7 (Instrumental Demo).m4a3 k$ B& Y1 W6 }
2-10 Now Is The Time (Instrumental D.m4a
* @& k0 n7 Q4 j0 u- u 2-11 Miss Van Gogh (Instrumental Dem.m4a
( S: P3 c& \- x2 @$ n" t( P3 D8 r 2-12 T6 (Instrumental Demo).m4a
3 o, y- W2 R2 w: D 2-13 Play (Instrumental Demo).m4a
) R/ l4 }. m8 h9 o4 ? 2-14 A Foolish Arrangement (Instrume.m4a
+ ?4 L" d5 p$ q f 2-15 Halo (Instrumental Demo).m4a6 ^( l8 N' e6 o# T" r# u, w
2-16 Trust (Instrumental Demo).m4a
4 e& D6 i# F9 R3 H4 Q# R: I 2-17 Abetabw (Instrumental Demo).m4a3 q. i, ^ s: I) B- _6 |9 W4 ?( M
2-18 T8 (Instrumental Demo).m4a3 b7 A' R; w/ S; z* s
2-19 Heart Attack (Instrumental Demo.m4a
. ^' X- c( N7 n) L" K- N0 a3 U% n 2-20 Swing Change (Instrumental Demo.m4a
: v' g n* s6 K4 i9 O- J( } 2-21 Frogfish (Instrumental Demo).m4a
i' G' A9 j3 l5 D 3-01 Uyea Sound (Dim-D Mix).m4a
. t" \( E" W" z, z 3-02 Cloudberry (Dim-D Mix).m4a
- d% B4 t/ e! J 3-03 Off To Sleep... (Dim-D Mix).m4a
2 r9 U% ?: q: C X N# D 3-04 The Three Sisters (Dim-D Mix).m4a
; D9 E6 k- Z4 R( [4 t 3-05 A Wendy Band (Instrumental).m4a
( E5 l3 o6 @7 a, \/ F 3-06 From The Edge Of The Deep Green.m4a
9 ~0 k1 E [7 ?8 _; j 3-07 Open (Fix Mix).m4a1 S4 U% F; r" T7 ~
3-08 High (Higher Mix).m4a5 x' [( j. `* H1 C; Q- p/ a
3-09 Doing The Unstuck (Extended 12_.m4a+ ~% A7 T! A+ Z
3-10 Friday I'm In Love (Strangelove.m4a
6 {$ B2 H/ |, ^ Y% E: v9 w+ @ 3-11 A Letter To Elise (Blue Mix).m4a
6 k+ O! ?( ]- J% d: d 3-12 End (Live In Paris _ 1992).m4a
6 T/ Y$ Y+ b0 p
+ P: C* q2 c2 a5 c; F9 \( l* h% S' K U0 O4 @
" \$ d0 I" ?3 e$ |; C' i& }; X
+ {; D8 b! R# s
% J# C# i* ?' Y
. b# H3 G) Q' ?! } v3 W+ z" G7 a' c( E( ^- h